Andy Harrington

Voice Over | Narration | Voice Acting | VIDEO


About Andy:

Andy is a Michigan-based voice artist with a mellow, folksy, kind and articulate baritone who has years of experience in media creation. He's spent the last 10 years creating television and radio ads, sports broadcasts, corporate videos... you name it, he's probably done it.

A long-time acute sufferer of the acting bug, Andy had a deep desire to combine his love of performing with his bill-paying technical skills. Eventually he figured out that he could perform right at the desk at which he sat through collaborating in online voiceover projects. Since this landmark discovery, just about every spare moment has been devoted to bringing written works to life through storytelling. Many positive reviews on his narrations mention his skill at bringing stories to life with various character voices.

Looking for someone to narrate an audiobook, play a character, represent your business or sell your product? Browse some of Andy's samples accessible through the links at the top of this page to hear why Andy Harrington's voice is the one you want for your business or creative project.


Featured Project


Courtesy of Spoken Realms and Voices of Today comes a collection of short stories by master of dystopic science fiction Philip K. Dick. These are some of his earlier works in sci-fi publications and were just awesome to read. Hopefully you'll enjoy listening to them, too! Just click on the button below:


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